A basic principle of American justice holds that a bad man has the same rights as a good man.

Massad Ayoob
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  4. Outrage is the special kind of anger you feel when you believe that people are getting things they don't deserve. Outrage of this kind is anger at injustice. - Michael J. Sandel

  5. (...) greed that preys on human misery (...) - Michael J. Sandel

More Quotes By Massad Ayoob
  1. A basic principle of American justice holds that a bad man has the same rights as a good man.

  2. Those of us who have seen violent death up close, who have seen what high-powered bullets can do to living human tissue, have a horror of inflicting that nightmarish, never forgotten damage on a fellow human being. Perhaps the only more terrifying prospect is that...

  3. Firearms, if you think about it, are power tools. They drill holes in things and chew things up. That’s their purpose. The purpose of the user is, quite simply, to puncture and destroy the right things and not the wrong things.

  4. In the end, the focus on safety should be credited to the entire firearms-owning community, the “gun culture” if you will.

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